
Welcome to The Political Teen

Space, Is it worth it?

One thing that I don’t understand is why some people are against space travel. While there are short term consequences in the long run I think it is beneficial. The enviorment The economy Firstly while there are short term consequences of sending a rocket to space for the environment there are some great things that…

Climate Change in the United States

I still find it insane that some people deny the existence of climate change. It has been proved multiple times with science and if you need any more evidence you can look at Venus. As such I wondered, why is climate change not the biggest concern of the United States government? I came up with…

Why I support The Green Party

In the united states there are two parties that everybody knows about and talk about, the Democrats and the Republicans. My question is how can there only be two major parties? The United States is a very diverse set of people and each have different beliefs. So how can there be only two main parties?…

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